Ideas Jam: Discussion Forum Rules

  1. The Ideas Jam is a moderated forum. All posts and comments will be screened by a site administrator before they appear on the site.
  2. Before posting, please check that an idea has not already been proposed. If it has, you may wish to comment on that thread rather than posting a new one.
  3. Stay on topic. The aim of the Ideas Jam is to generate possible new directions for the College of Organisational Psychologists. Irrelevant links, comments, thoughts, pictures, spam, or promotions will not be posted.
  4. Do not post any sensitive or confidential information about individuals or the College, or any information that is copyrighted. Remember that this is a public forum.
  5. Respect other people on the forum. Critical feedback of ideas is fine, as long as it is constructive and delivered politely. Angry, sarcastic, obscene, or otherwise abusive posts directed at individuals will be deleted by moderators. Avoid the use of ALL CAPS.
  6. Run a spelling and grammar check before posting anything to the forum.
  7. When suggesting an idea, we recommend that you post a thumbnail image to draw attention to your post. However, please avoid the use of copyrighted images.